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How to have high efficiency?


Everyone wants to have high efficiency, but they don't really get much.

There are many kinds of theories about time management, in fact, the time is not able to manage, and we can only control ourselves and make better use of time.

In the history and cultural history of China, there are a lot of famous words, and they are hoping that people will cherish the time and we have heard it when we are young, but it is not deep. You know I'm almost forty years old now, and I'm getting to know the truth, so, so, hurry up and get the time to regret it. So, it's time for a young man to pick up the time.

Then how to have high efficiency? I think it is mainly three aspects, positioning, focusing on the breakthrough.

And the point is that the key is to know what it is, what is the core of the key, do not do those kinds of people's fields, so that the end of the end of the game? And the time of delay. The focus is to concentrate all the forces on a little, so that it can be very difficult to break through the promotion of anything that is very difficult, only to focus on a point, to force. Only if it has the effect, if it is scattered, to the four sides, the final results will be, and there is no such thing as a success. Breakthrough is both a result and a process, and the result is that the front, positioning and focusing are done well, and the breakthrough is a breakthrough from a breakthrough. In fact, success is the mother of success, failure is often the mother of failure, and only success can go to the next greater success.

If you want to find out, one of the main reasons for the low efficiency, I think the first one I care about is spreading or lack of planning, just like a piggy watermelon, where is it? No planning, and strict execution. The third major is that Tan Yu wants to do too much and wants to have too many results, and the other result is not strong, too concerned about the process and details, or on the surface, not really. Understanding the nature and profound connotation of things, can not catch the point and the key.

I hope that every one of us has a high efficiency and a happy life until forever.


How to have high efficiency? - newbee10179 - ★阳光雅苑


How to have high efficiency? - newbee10179 - ★阳光雅苑


How to have high efficiency? - newbee10179 - ★阳光雅苑


How to have high efficiency? - newbee10179 - ★阳光雅苑


How to have high efficiency? - newbee10179 - ★阳光雅苑


How to have high efficiency? - newbee10179 - ★阳光雅苑
